Friday, June 28

EMINEM talks about his addiction and how to make money selling drugs[video]

Eminem's past battles with drug addiction are common knowledge to fans of the Detroit wordsmith. In an appearance in a recently released documentary, Slim Shady takes viewers on a journey where the Shady Records rapper talks about nearly dying from a pain pill overdose.

In the doc How To Make Money Selling Drugs, Em reveals details of how he developed his addiction to painkillers, and recalls a night where his use of Vicodin nearly killed him.
“When I took my first Vicodin, it was like this feeling of ‘ahh.' Like everything was not only mellow, but didn't feel any pain,” shared Eminem. “It just kind of numbed things. I don't know at what point exactly it started to be a problem, I just remember liking it more and more.”
Eminem was delusional about his addiction, and he continued to abuse painkillers. After one particular binge landed him in a hospital, the rapper came face to face with death by overdose.
“Had I have got to the hospital about two hours later, I would have died. My organs were shutting down. My liver, kidneys, everything. They were gonna have to put me on dialysis. They didn't think I was gonna make it. My bottom was gonna be death,” added Em.
How To Make Money Selling Drugs is directed by Matthew Cooke and produced by Adrian Grenier of Entourage fame. It was released last April.
Check out the full excerpt from Eminem in the video below.
[Props to Baller Status]


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