Friday, July 12

VIDEO] KANYE WEST attacked paparazzo again

Kanye West has blessed us again. The rapper/producer was heading into LAX when a talkative paparazzo tried to engage him in conversation. Wrong move, buddy.

Yeezy had his hand in front of the camera's lens and was aggressively telling the guy, or reporter (his words), that he should not talk to him. In fact, the "Black Skinhead" rapper said,  "Don't talk ever again!"
The whole time the paparazzo/journalist/reporter was reiterating how much he loved Mr. West and his music. This did not diffuse the situation, but you gotta give dude credit for his moxie (or over the top sarcasm).
As Yeezus stated his point and walked away, the camera guy still had questions. After asking about Watch The Throne 2, West quickly turned around and looked like he was ready administer the fade.
Watch the video, courtesy of TMZ, below.

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