Sunday, October 12

Still on the matter-Ray J's EX explains why he must give her the Dog

Ray J's ex Princess Love is still battling over ownership of their dog.I reported yesterday that when she was moving out on Thursday, she tried to take the dog boogatti but Ray J refused ,resulting in a scuffle.Ray J suceeded in seizing the dog from her and she promised a huge custody battle..
Now, she told TMZ,visitation rights are not enough,and she doesn't want joint custody but full..She said..
"she tried her best to keep Boogati during their really bitter break up -- because she's the better canine caretaker -- but it fell on deaf ears.
Princess says their 3 other Maltese's shouldn't have to go through a break up as well ... they are heartsick and visitation won't work because things are so acrimonious.She said their dog Coco is taking things hardest ... and cries every night ... waiting for Boogati's return

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